Automatic Renewals
All items on your library account will renew automatically on the day they become due, unless they have been requested by another student or your account is blocked.
However, we recommend that you return books as soon as possible after you have finished with them.
This enables your peers to use them and frees up space on your library account.
If an item cannot be automatically renewed, ie. Short Loans, you will receive an email from us asking you to return your books when they are due.
Manage your Library Account
You can view the due dates of your library books by logging in to your Library Account.
1. Visit Library Search via Ex Libris Discovery and sign in to your account at the top right hand corner of the screen.
2. Click your name and the drop-down menu to select ‘My Loans’.
*You can also view your account at one of of self-service machines on site, simply tap your library card to the reader and select 'My Account'.