Answered By: Marina Burroughs
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2024     Views: 211

Request a book

To request a book, please follow the steps.

  1. Login to Library Search using your UEL login and password (the link to sign in on the top right of Library Search).
  2. Search for the book that you want to request.
  3. Click on the title of the book.
  4. Under 'Get it' click on Request.
  5. Select the library that you want to collect the item from.
  6. Click Send request.
  7. You will receive an email when the item is ready for collection.

Collecting items

Once you have received an email informing you that your item is ready to collect you have 7 days to visit the library to borrow it. Items can be collected throughout building opening hours.

The collection points are:

  • Docklands Library -  First Floor
  • Stratford Library -  Ground Floor 

*You will find the item shelved by your University ID number.

*Remember to borrow the item using the self-service machines.

If you do not collect your item after 7 days it will be reshelved or passed on to the next person in the queue.  We cannot extend the collection date for you.  If you still need it and the item is no longer available for collection then you can place another request.


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