Sometimes you will be asked to pay when trying to access online journal articles.
Try the following steps to access a copy without paying:
Library Search:
Search for the article by logging into Library Search and follow the links to access it.
*In some cases, we may only have the journal in hard copy, so you will have to visit the library to read the article.
Open Access:
(i) Use Google Scholar to search for the article.
When you have found the article, click on 'All versions' and you will be able to see if any open-access versions are available.
(ii) Get the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the article (usually found under the citation information) & search for it on Open Access Button.
If an open access version is available, you will be given a link to access it from.
Inter Library Loan (ILL):
(i) Sign in to your Library Account via Library Search
*Make sure UEL does not hold the material you need in print or electronic format, and that it is not available freely on the Internet before you submit a request.
(ii) Click on 'ILL Request' from the navigation bar and complete the form providing the information requested:
*Journal articles: You can only request one article from any single journal issue. If you require more than one article, please request the whole physical issue for loan.
*Multi-volume sets: Please complete an individual request form per volume required.
ILL Next Steps:
(i) You will receive a confirmation of your ILL request to your UEL email address.
(ii) Library staff will be in touch with you when your item is ready to collect or if there are any issues with your request.
(iii) For more information/assistance with the UEL Inter Library Loan Service contact
*The ILL service is only available to current University of East London students/staff, and it is not available to external users or alumni.